the moderns a new photo essay
I've started today and now linked in to this blog which i've had a difficult time getting up and running for various reasons - some tied to doubt and lack of inspiration, others to do we really need another blog, more information jettisoned out in to the ether. but why not i say now more than ever in the struggle to remain or begin to be creative again. and as is the case most of the times it comes back to photography and writing, for the stimulus and movement we return.
so here we are the moderns, perched around our highways and freeways, searching, stretching our necks, our limbs tight from close proximity, always these screens, these devices that play in our hands, as i too, compose, repose and post with this device. there was a nice light, a quiet repose, we were momentarily connected when she glanced over and found or suspected that there was an image being captured, my screen out the window swallowing the light that would result in this photograph, this likeness of a moment, profound in all the silvery dullness and reflectivity of tomorrow.