Shards of Beauty

an opportunity to transform the everyday, the mundane, the overlooked into a birthplace of creativity, a center of influence... that would ordinarily go unnoticed.


shards of beauty

one of 5 finalists in SEPTA's 2010 public art competition for the Girard Street Subway Station remodeling project. the brief called for the design of the infill panels in 8 staircases in the newly remodeled station. with a total of over 80 panels, a solution was devised to create 4 sets of panels based around the themes of love, history, community, and music. themes important to the city and people of Philadelphia. and each set of these panels would be uniquely fabricated using Rimex electrolytically enhanced stainless steel panels fabricated through a waterjet process by A. Zahner. the 4 themes would have been distributed over the 2 platforms that each had 4 sets of staircases locating them on both the inbound and outbound platforms. the cut out patterns were designed to be related to the 4 themes and then they were over-layed with abstract patterns to evoke both a precise and more ethereal impressionistic design.

in collaboration with nadine kashlan